LPR BIRCH Spotted Draft Horse Registry Stallion #S30286-1
Click HERE for MORE PICTURES Click for PedigreeBirch is a nicely refined 17hh black tobiano Spotted Draft stallion. He has always thrown black or bayfoals even out of chestnut maresso he is most likely homozygousfor black. He throws sabino as well astobiano markings. He sports a moustache!Very nice temperament. Beautiful movement; huge trot!Birch is now sold. All the best to his new owner in Virginia!Click HERE for a VIDEO of Birch
LPR ODYSSEY Spotted Draft Horse Registry Stallion #S30287-1
Homozygous Tobiano Date of Birth: May 17, 2012 Estimated Height at maturity: 15.3 hh He is approximately 15.1hh as a 4 year old but still has a few more years of growing and maturing before he reaches his final height. Odyssey is Homozygous for Tobiano Odyssey is now sold. All the best to his new owner in Virginia!
VIDEO of Odyssey
(Reference Stallion) Belgian spotted draft/QH cream double dilute stallion with blue eyes and pink skin. He will always produce foals with dilute coloring. Michael stands 15.3 hh. Now owned by Claude in Ontario.
Kyle's Our Man (sire of Callin Baton Rouge)
(Reference Stallion) Jockey Club Registered Thoroughbred stallion (no photo available) Callin stands approximately 15.2-15.3hh. Click For PEDIGREE
(Reference Stallion) Pepper is a black and white Spotted Draft. He stands 15.2hh. We did not own this stallion - he was the sire of two of our foals.
Lonely Pine Ranch Les & Andrea Nichol Spearhill, Manitoba, Canada lonelypineranch@gmail.com ~~~~~ Copyright 2009 - Present Lonely Pine Ranch All Rights Reserved